
The Skinny on Skin Care


Give your skin a break.  Dont sleep with your makeup on.  Studies have proven that it actually ages your skin faster.  Take a break from your foundation routine, if you have one, and let your skin breathe.  Do that a least a couple of times a week and you might see an improvement in your complexion.

Drink WATER!!!!!  It will make your skin prettier, softer,  your hair more hydrated, and it is good for you.  Here is a tip.  Instead of sipping your Diet Coke, try replacing one with a bottle of water.  Try it once a day.  Its a small change that your body will thank you for.

Fake baking is just that....Fake.  So, unless you are planning a trip to the Bahamas, use tanning with caution, as it will fry your skin and I am pretty sure everyone around you knows what season we are in.  It doesn't always make sense to be sunburned in January right? Instead, try spending 15-20 more minutes outside.  Your body needs the extra Vitamin D and you are more likely to achieve a beautiful natural glow on your skin.

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